Let's suethe state!

Aurora ska upp i Högsta domstolen!

I april 2024 bestämde Högsta domstolen (HD) att de kommer pröva en delfråga i Auroramålet. Aurora, staten och tingsrätten har kommit överens om att ställa frågan till HD, och nu står det klart att HD kommer svara på den. Frågan handlar om om det går att driva en klimatprocess som Auroramålet i svensk domstol. HD:s svar på frågan kommer att bli avgörande för människors möjlighet att kräva att makthavare respekterar deras mänskliga rättigheter och vidtar de klimatåtgärder de lovat att vidta.

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Aurora is a youth-led group that is now suing the Swedish government in a public court because they do not treat the climate crisis as a crisis.

The Swedish state does not treat the climate crisis as a crisis. They have set climate targets that exclude the majority of our emissions and which are far from ambitious enough for Sweden to do its fair share of the global emission reductions required to limit warming to 1.5 degrees. The targets also fail to protect vital ecosystems. And the inadequate climate targets are not even being met.

Aurora states that for us children and young people, the rights to life, health, home and property guaranteed to us by Articles 2, 3, 8, 14 of the European Convention and Article 1 of the First Additional Protocol are endangered by the climate crisis. We in Aurora hold the state responsible for their lack of climate action. Through litigation, we are ensuring that the state respects human rights.

Litigation is unfortunately very expensive. We therefore need all the financial support we can get to be able to follow through with this process to completion. Feel free to donate to our fundraiser, and spread the word. Together we make the change we want to see!

How can you support Aurora? Read here!

What does Aurora want? Read here!

What does the scientific support for Aurora's process look like? Read here!

What does the legal argument look like? Read here!

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Latest from Aurora

We need your help to get more standing!

We only need 39 more members to have standing to challenge certain decisions in Swedish courts - become a member of Aurora and we can appeal decisions that destroy the health of the planet and ...

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